




Cyr Conservators & Consulting

Protection through planning and advocacy

Looking for assistance navigating your healthcare needs?

We're here to help.

Help and support for healthcare 



We provide a wide range of services for families and individuals, who want peace of mind knowing their healthcare wishes will be upheld. Through planning, documentation, and in person advocacy your right to self-determination of care is protected. We also understand the challenge of navigating the transition from community living to residence in a healthcare facility, and offer guidance and support during that often challenging time. In certain circumstances more than consultation is needed to protect an individual’s rights and assets, in those cases Conservatorship services are available.

Paisley Background Door Choices


Healthcare Directives and Representation

Help preparing Advance Directives. Receive guidance from a licensed healthcare professional so that you can make educated decisions on your care. Optional Heathcare Representation is available as an additional level of support. That’s right, you can have a healthcare advocate available to you in the event you can’t speak for yourself.

Do you or a loved one need an Assisted Living or Skilled Nursing Facility? There are many steps to finding appropriate placement, and securing admission into these settings. Even discussion about it can be daunting. Having support and guidance from an experienced professional can streamline the process and ease tension for you and your loved one, while protecting your assets and rights.

Healthcare Navigation


At times legal representation is needed to protect and individuals rights and assets. Conservatorships can be voluntary or involuntary. In any case the role of the Conservator is to ensure that an individual retains as much independence and self-determination as safely possible, as well as conserving their assets through trustworthy estate management.

Help tailored to you

Daughter explaining elderly mother how using smartphone

Unsure if we can meet your needs? We welcome your call, all initial phone consultations are free and always confidential.

Contact us

Our Story

Medical stethoscope and mask composed with red foiled chocolate hearts

“I realized over the course of my 15+ year career as a nurse that a lot of people were having the same struggles, and I didn’t have anyone I could direct them to that provided the help they needed. You have people who haven’t even considered creating advance directives, others that don’t completely understand what they’re reading on those documents, and still others that thought they could rely on their emergency contact to communicate their wishes only to be all but abandoned by that person once an emergency came.

I’ve also witnessed extremely supportive families that were doing their absolute best to prepare for their loved ones future or transition them to a level of care that would meet their needs, but had no idea where to start. There just wasn’t a readily available resource for them.

Perhaps the biggest catalyst for starting this business though was the unfortunate occasions when I saw someone who couldn’t advocate for themselves being taken advantage of by those that were supposed to be protecting their rights and assets. Don’t get me wrong, there are some amazing conservators and healthcare advocates out there…just not enough of them. I wanted to be one. I wanted to be a resource that families and individuals could turn to for guidance, and someone they could build a trust with so that they knew without a doubt they had someone in their corner that would advocate for them and protect their rights no matter what. The elderly, those suffering from mental illness, those with physical limitations, or people with any stigmatized history are usually the most vulnerable and often have the least natural supports. I want us to be that support.” - Ellie Cyr


Q. Aren’t there other companies that provide help finding placement in assisted livings and skilled nursing facilities for free?

A. Yes. Often those providers offer services free to the consumer, and are funded by care partners in the community. They can provide a valuable service in advising a good fit. However, specifically when it comes to Skilled Nursing Facility level of care there are federally regulated approvals that these companies do not typically navigate.

Q. Can’t I hire a lawyer to help with healthcare directives and protection of assets?

A. Absolutely. You can, and frankly sometimes it’s needed for particular situations. But not everyone can afford attorney fees, and there are many situations where an attorney is not needed to attain the desired results.

Q. Won’t the court provide me with a conservator if I’m ever deemed to be unable to make my own decisions?

A. Yes. This provision has helped so many individuals that could no longer make personal or financial decisions on their own. But some people prefer to have a Consevator appointed who they know, and more importantly who KNOWS THEM. After all, who is going to be better able to make decisions that most closely align with your own? Someone you’ve never met or someone that’s gotten to know you?






Talk to Us

P.O. Box 535

Southington, CT 06489

Tel: 860.516.1028


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